
Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga

Relaxing totally without effort, your nervous system can experience the parasympathetic state of relaxation and digestion, mitigating vata imbalances.

Cost: $120 for 60 min

Ayurvedic Psychology: Satvavajaya

Ayurvedic Psychology: Satvavajaya

In these sessions, the focus will be on how to process undigested emotions, relieving stress, overcoming limiting beliefs, and gaining the ability to have better concentration, focus, and mental clarity.

Cost: $120 for 60 min

Ayurvedic Yoga

Ayurvedic Yoga

Postural sequences, meditation, pranayama, mantra, and mudra are combined with principles of the doshic framework and customized for your unique constitution.

Cost: $120 for 60 min