Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counseling

Service Category: Yogic Practices for Sattva and Swastha

This session will deepen your understanding of how daily habits impact your holistic state of health. Your mental and behavioral tendencies are ingrained in habitual thought patterns which influence your actions, for better or worse. To bring more harmony, Ayurveda encourages following the natural rhythms observed in nature, inherent in all forms of life. Based on the Ayurveda clock, you will learn recommendations for sleep, exercise, seasons, climate, relationships, work, daily routines, personal growth, and more. You will walk away with practical and individualized strategies for your doshic constitution.

ayurvedic lifestyle counseling

These sessions allow for a compassionate client-centered dialogue where healing caused by physical or emotional pain is acknowledged through a series of questions. Through the student’s own realizations, mind/body techniques, and yoga and Ayurvedic philosophy, long-lasting transformation is possible. Some practitioners will use pranic (life force) healing methods in these sessions to facilitate the balancing of subtle pranic energies.

This service requires an Initial Consultation.