Ayurvedic Yoga

Service Category: Yogic Practices for Sattva and Swastha

Sattva is the natural state of a balanced mind and Swastha is a balanced state of bodily health. You will meet with a clinician who specializes in Sattvavaja Chikitsa (Practices for Mind) or Ayurveda Yoga Chikitsa (Yoga Therapy). Yoga is part of Ayurveda and in these sessions, the focus will be on how to process undigested emotions, relieving stress, overcoming limiting beliefs, and gaining the ability to have better concentration, focus, and mental clarity. Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy techniques include counseling and active listening. Gross body techniques may include poses, restorative poses, or practices for the mind and subtle body such as pranayama, meditation, and mantra.

ayurvedic yoga

Postural sequences, meditation, pranayama, mantra, and mudra are combined with principles of the doshic framework and customized for your unique constitution. This is for any level of yoga practitioner. By the end of the service, you will have a “home practice plan” that incorporates the principles of Ayurveda.

This service requires an Initial Consultation.