Free Lecture: Ayurvedic Clarity and Bliss
A calm, clear head with a kind, strong heart is one way to spot a sattvic person. When the mind of such a person informs the body of natural joy, lightness, energy, stability, and a deep sense of contentment, then we know the body is primed to experience a state of Soma.
Join Kim Valeri Povey to learn about how the food we eat, the lifestyle routines we adopt, and the mindset we cultivate can bring us to a state of bliss.
Wednesday, November 16
6:30-7:30pm EST • Livestream
Cost: FREE
***A Zoom invitation email will go out to pre-registered students 1 hour before the class. Please make sure we have the correct email address on file for you so you receive your invitation! Contact the studio at 617.566.9642 with any questions.***